Hi! I'm Janel

I am sure you may be a little confused if you stumbled upon this page via my website. I am a professional photographer. I am a landscape photographer. that being said I am also a type a, 1 on the enneagram and I have OCD. Basically, that means I was born to be an organizer. Not only am I super good at it, I actually love doing it. The hardest part to figure out about running this business was the business itself. Now I have learned quite a bit and want to share those services with you. So whether you hate organizing or just plain don't have time...
I am your Girl.

Hey everyone! I am sure you know me by now but maybe this side of me is new to you. I have always had a Little OCD. even when I was a kid I would organize my stuffed animals. Call me crazy but something about it just calmed me down and made me feel good. Then I got older and I kept everything in my life organized, even down to groups of people I hung out with. I started my photography business thinking I can just take pictures for a living, What a DREAm Job! I would soon find out that is not the case. YOu actually have to run a business to be successful. I jumped in headfirst and hit so many roadblocks along the way. I realize now that not all people are like me and good at organizing things. I never thought about it because it came so naturally to me. The more I learned about business people started asking my opinion about how to start one. The answer I gave three years ago would be so different from what I would say now. I really want to share my expertise with you, because
"it doesn't have to be that hard."
If you struggle at all with your business side of things, organizing your office, files, or even computer than I would love to help you and take some of that pressure off of you.

I know you probably have a lot of questions about these types of services and what they all entail. As no two people need the same exact package I will be making these up, per the individual and what they need/want. I know that I can come up with the right one for each new client. I am excited to learn more about what it is you are all looking for help with. I cannot wait to add organization and peace of mind to each of you. Check out the starting investments below
Online Services
-$30 per hour
-2 hour minimum
-privacy contract
-develop new organization systems
-teach skills to keep up with system
Digital Services
-$45 per hour
-2 hour minimum
-privacy contract
-develop new organization systems
-teach skills to keep up with system
in-Person services
-$50 per hour
-2 hour minimum
-privacy contract
-develop new organization systems
-teach skills to keep up with system
MIx of services
I will offer custom pricing for a mix of services because I know one size does not fit all. This way you can go into the process with an open mind and come out the other side utilizing all the benefits you need.