Let's start it off with 5 reasons to bring your pets to photo sessions. It is no secret that our dogs are truly our real best friends. We love and spoil them so much, and that’s okay because they love and spoil us too. We choose our dogs to match our family. So they can match our level of energy, the space that we have in our home, the size and age of our children, their grooming needs, and so much more, right? So when we think about getting our family photos updated so that we can hang them on our walls and post them all over our social media, why wouldn’t we want to bring them with us to be included. I mean they are part of our family, Right? In this post, I will give you the top 10 reasons why you should not think twice about bringing them with you.
1. Dogs Love to Go on Adventures.
My dog absolutely loves getting in the car and going anywhere with his people. Other than sleeping and getting treats it’s his favorite thing to do. So going on an adventure to the location of the photoshoot seems like a no-brainer. There will be time to take photos with and without them, plus they can get in some extra playtime. You might want to bring a dog sitter to watch the dog while we finish taking photos. That way you won’t have to worry about what they are getting up to or into.

2. They truly are part of our family.
Dogs are so very special to us. They are like the hub and joy of our families. Always there when we need them, even when we don’t. They truly love us unconditionally and hold no grudges. They just want to love us all the time. Besides, you would never leave one of your children at home for a photo session. So why would you leave your dog at home? Aren’t they also one of your babies? Did you know that 63% of Americans own a dog?
3. They bring us so much joy.
My dog especially is a source of constant joy in our house. I know you all feel the same way. What better way to add some joy into your photo sessions than a bundle full of joy. Bring along some treats or a toy that can help them focus on the pictures. It’s hard for a dog to sit still so long when there is so much going on. You can also take them for a walk prior to the session to try and wear them out a little if they are on the hyper side. This will help them to sit still longer.

4. You really will want to remember your dogs after they are gone.
If you have ever had a family pet pass on before you then you will know what I mean. Even though they are with us for such a short time they really leave such a big impact. I know a lot of the crematories that take care of animals offer you a clay replica of their paws. Do you know what is even better than a clay replica of paws? Pictures, actual memories captured, watching your dog in play mode. That is the best way to remember them forever.
5. What better way to show off how cute your dog is?
I am not the only one who loves seeing dogs all over the place. What better way to bring joy to others than to post pictures of your sweet pup all over the place. I always slow down my scrolling when there is a dog on my feed. I even keep dog biscuits at work… just in case. Give the people what they want, more pics of dogs!
Bonus: This one is the most important… I will get to play with them and love them!
So there you have it, folks, there really is no reason to not bring your dogs with you. Seriously, just go ahead and bring them.
